I have returned with more weight loss updates - Well I have now lost 21 pounds, I am super chuffed with myself as it has taken 6 weeks to get this far, which, if I am honest I thought it would take longer to get these sort of levels, so am pleased with these speedy results. I am convinced now I am able to stay on this type of eating regime, as I had a really bad week last week as it was my birthday week, and over ate my points by about 20, and still managed to loose 1lb. (YIPPEE)
Went on a course at work last week which was talking about the future of the on-line world, that with version Web 2.0, blogs are the way to go, (amongst other things) ...so felt slightly ahead of the game now , as I have a blog account that is more then a year old. Although just had to upgrade my blog on this visit to be able to access my account, (bit of a faff) am hoping I will be able to remember how to acess it in the new fandangled way.
Feel a bit crap at the moment due to a cold , but if this is just due to a change in weather to spring, I will happily suffer my way through a cold to get to thoe lovely crisp spring days.
Kinda wished I had found an excuse to have a meeting at the clubhouse at the airport on Thursday, a I have been told it was full of A list celebrities jetting out to LA for the Oscars, hate to admit it, but I can be a bit of a star spotter at times !
Countdown to my trip to Barcelona on Friday, looking forward to slightly warmer climes,
sangria (although this is a picture ofa mojito, it still falls in the category of spanish drinks !)
and albondigas..