My first step into Blogging world

Hello world - my name is Delly. I live in West Sussex, England and I am new to the blogging world, but am v.excited to try something new, so welcome to Delly world. I hope my news and views keep you entertained for many hours !! Please feel free to join in with my world whenever you want to. Much love to you blogger readers out there Delly xx

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Blogging in the USA

Day 4 in the USA - loving this country so convenient, even the bagels are pre sliced for ease, the drive thru banking is just amazing , it is probably easy to do your whole shopping experience without stepping out of your car.. I must say there is much laziness going on in the USA! but for awhile, while I am in the US I shall be using these facilities to the max.. including drive through Starbucks !

The heat is fab, consistently above 85 degrees, but you kinda feel by the end of the day you have run a marathon, as the heat kinda exhausts you ! not that I am complaining mind you .. give me heat any day over the cold greyness that is the UK. People still are fascinated by my British accent, and ordering stuff in restaurants etc can sometimes prove a challenge, specially where I am off the beaten track a little bit away from Orlando ..
but hey I don't mind repeating myself 5 times to make myself understood ! signing off to go do some more shopping in this 24/7 culture .. it is fab


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